Mouth Sores Treatment

23 Nov, 2008

What is a Cold Sore?

Posted by: Linda In: Coldsore

Cold sores are painful sores on lips that are caused by the Herpes Simplex 1 Virus, or HSV-1. Cold sores are typically referred to as fever blisters, lip blisters, lip sores and mistakenly canker sores (cold sores are not canker sores).

Once contracted, cold sores will lie dormant in your nervous tissue. Everyone has certain lip sore triggers that will prompt a new sore to erupt.

Fever blisters can’t be cured but you can take steps to prevent cold sores and treat them to shorten their lifespan.

Cold Sore Signs and Symptoms

Here’s some things you should look for to identify lip sores:

  • Tingling of the lips. This sometimes precedes lip blisters by 1-2 days.
  • Small, hard bumps under the skin around the mouth
  • Small and painful blisters filled with fluid on around the mouth. These blisters are often raised, red and very painful.

Cold sores last 7-14 days and can leave a lasting red bump for up to a month after a lip sore has erupted. They can also appear on your nostrils and sometimes inside your mouth.

After a cold sore has appeared, it will eventually break and release fluid. After that, the lip sore will crust over and will create a scab that can last for about 10 days.

Cold Sores Are Contagious

Cold sores brought on by HSV-1 are very contagious, especially during the period that they have erupted on your skin. It’s best to stay out of contact with others during this time and avoid touching you sore with with your fingers.

Do not share food, drinks, utensils or even towels with someone who has an open fever blister.

Cold sores are even contagious when they are not present, but spreading them during this time is rare.

Preventing Cold Sores

There are several steps you can take for preventing cold sores. To do so, you must know:

  1. What are your cold sore triggers
  2. How to prevent cold sores

Some simple steps to take include eating healthy foods, wearing sunblock and avoiding stress.

Cold Sores Treatment

If you have cold sores, you will want to take steps to make sure your body can deal with the pain and also shorten the lifespan of the cold sore.

Here’s some more resources for treating lip sores:

  • The truth about Abreva ointment
  • Cold Sore Pain Killers

Medical Attention Sometimes Required

Cold sores that last for more than two weeks can be cause for consulting a medical professional. Most cold sores will not need medical assistance, but if your symptoms are severe, you’ve had irritation in your eyes or you have a pre-existing condition that lowers your immune system, it’s best to get the help you need.

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