Mouth Sores Treatment

Archive for the ‘Tongue Sores’ Category

10 Sep, 2011

7 Reasons Behind A Sore Tongue

Posted by: Linda In: Tongue Sores

Sore pimples on the tongue are common. People of all age group can suffer from these pimples, including children. The pimples can become too big that they make eating hard. Resist the temptation to pop these pimples—popping may bring temporary relief, but the bacteria can only spread throughout the mouth. Causes of Sore Tongue Pimples […]

Mouth ulcer happens to all ages, including children. Now once your child suffers from this condition, he might start to throw tantrums. After all, the pain that the sore brings is beyond bearable. In order to better understand why children suffer from mouth ulcer, we are going to discuss few of the common reasons behind […]

Tongue ulcer happens when the sore appears on the surface of the tongue. Commonly called as aphthous ulcer, it comes in light color and makes the area inflamed. The tongue then becomes sensitive to hot and cold temperature. Health Issues that Leads to Tongue Sores Experts believe that certain health conditions can lead to tongue […]