Mouth Sores Treatment

19 Nov, 2008

Why Lip Sores Can’t be Cured Like a Pimple on Lip

Posted by: Linda In: Lip Sores

Having a pimple on your lip would be much easier to take care of than an actual lip sore if that lip sore is from the Herpes Simplex 1 virus.  If you have a pimple on your lip all you really have to do is wait for it to turn white, hold a warm washcloth on it and then give it a little squeeze to get rid of the pimple.

Lips have a large amount of nerve endings in them which makes them extremely sensitive to touch and temperature.  This means that lips are also incredibly sensitive to pain.  Since lips don’t have sweat glands or pores like the rest of your skin, they aren’t as susceptible to pimples.  However, the Herpes Simplex 1 virus feasts on the soft skin of your lips.

Lip sores can’t be cured like a pimple on lip because they are two completely different types of break outs.  A pimple isn’t a virus, it is a clogged pore.  A pimple also isn’t contagious, although it can feel like they are when they all come together at once.  You should never squeeze or pop lip sores in the way that you would a pimple.  This can cause your cold sore to become really irritated and that only causes more throbbing and burning for you to have to deal with.

Lip sores are highly contagious and they come from a virus known as the Herpes Simplex 1 virus.  Also, those who carry this virus in their system will always have it; there is no cure.  There are many ways to prevent lip sores and cold sores from happening just like there is for getting pimples.  However, the prevention does not always work and sometimes we break out no matter our attempts to stop it.

Check out my Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days review to learn about cold sores and the secrets to treating them and getting them to go away forever!

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