Mouth Sores Treatment

18 Feb, 2009

Sore Gums?

Posted by: Linda In: Mouth Sores

It happens at some point in a person’s life.  Gums can become sore and can start to detach from the teeth.  Receding gums can happen at a young age or you can go half your life with no dental problems and suddenly have to be referred to periodontists all over town.

Dental hygiene has ALOT to do with the quality of your gum tissue.  Gums do not regenerate so when you start to lose this rubbery tissue it will not come back.  This is very bad for teeth because your gums hold your teeth into you mouth.

Sore gums and swollen gums do not automatically indicate that you have a major problem.  It could be that you’ve chronically been brushing your teeth too roughly and irritating your sensitive gums.  There are many reasons that cause sore gums, even diabetes and heart disease, so see your dentist if the problems persist.  It could be indicative of other health issues.

Also, having swollen gums does not automatically mean you need to get a gum graft or have gum surgery.  You could have periodontal disease and there are a few ways to treat it, you need to consult your periodontist for treatment that is right for you.

If you suspect you have receding gums:

-your tooth or teeth may have gaps between them; this is because that gum tissue is no longer cushioning the spaces between teeth.

-gums that bleed every time you brush or floss could be a major indicator of a receding gum line.

-your teeth are now very sensitive to hot or cold, this is because the root is becoming exposed.

Be sure to always have your teeth cleaned every six months to avoid gum surgery in your future.  Having good oral hygiene is the most painless and least expensive way to prevent mouth sores.

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