Mouth Sores Treatment

16 Mar, 2009

Thrush Infection? Thrush Symptoms and Treatment

Posted by: Linda In: Mouth Sores

Thrush Infection

Thrush is a type of fungus.  It is a build up of yeast that naturally grows in your mouth.  Thrush can be caused by taking antibiotics, especially medicines that have dry mouth as a side effect.  Antibiotics can kill the regular bacterias in your mouth; with these bacteria gone the fungus that causes thrush grows actively.

Thrush can be painful but it isn’t always a symptom.

First indications of a Thrush Infection:

-White patches on your tongue, inside your cheeks, roof of your mouth and/or corners of your lips.  The white patches have the consistency of curdled milk and if you try to scrape the thrush off you may cause some pain or bleeding.

-Thrush mouth will make your mouth taste bad and will also cause bad breath.

You will want to call a dentist or your doctor as soon as you experience these problems so you can get thrush treatment as soon as possible.

Thrush Treatment

Your health care professional will give you some antifungal medications to get rid of the thrush infection.  Thrush treatment takes about 7-10 days.

Do not try to scrape thrush out of your mouth yourself.  Since the fungus is growing because of a lack of normal bacteria’s; it will continue to grow and could begin growing down your esophagus.

Get treatment for your thrush symptoms immediately.  Thrush can also be indicative of other problems, like HIV or some other sickness within your body.  Your dentist or doctor can help you find out what caused your thrush infection.

1 Response to "Thrush Infection? Thrush Symptoms and Treatment"

1 | cathriona

November 10th, 2009 at 8:10 am


is mouth thruh contageous

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