Mouth Sores Treatment

15 Nov, 2008

Stop Mouth Blisters with 4 Easy Canker Sores Home Remedies

Posted by: Linda In: Remedies for Mouth Blisters

Mouth blisters, sometimes called canker sores or mouth ulcers, can be very painful and annoying. These mouth sores appear as tiny bumps the inside of the mouth, on cheeks, lips, the roof of your mouth and even your tongue.

Although doctors have not pinned down an exact cause for canker sores, some speculate that trauma to your saliva ducts actually causes these types of mouth sores.

For example, some experts believe that when saliva ducts are damaged through contact with a sharp object or are bitten, they can cause the mouth to produce saliva that gets trapped under the traumatized tissue. If this occurs, saliva builds up, creating a mouth blister.

Luckily, canker sores are not contagious and you can take steps to get rid of mouth blisters.


Try the following methods for getting rid of mouth sores quickly and easily.

Rinse Mouth with Salt Water: Salt tends to sanitize the mouth and draw out impurities from the sores. Try rinsing with warm salt water several times a day.

Rinse Mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide: This method is effective, but may sting a little. Be careful not to swallow the chemicals!

Rise Mouth with an Antimicrobial Mouthwash: A good mouthwash can also clean up the sores in your mouth. Try Listerine or a similar product.

Apply Ice to Sores: Mouth blisters can get temporary relief from having ice pressed on them for several minutes. This is not a long-term solution.

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