Mouth Sores Treatment

12 Nov, 2008

3 Ways to Naturally Treat Itchy Lip Sores

Posted by: Linda In: Lip Sores

You have a lip sore and you don’t want to go to the doctor for a prescription that is going to cost a fortune and you really didn’t want to put a chemical-made pharmaceutical on your lip sores anyway.

What do you do to naturally treat your itchy lip sores?

I’ll share 3 useful tips with you that are 100% natural, holistic ways to treat lip sores and cold sores.

Firstly, I suggest you buy the informational product listed on this website.  Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days is an Ebook that includes everything you want to know about cold sores and healing cold sores and lip sores.

Chances are, if your lip sore is itchy it has blistered and scabbed already.  This is when the lip sore is at it’s ugliest and itchiest!

The best things to do during this time for itchy lip sores:

-Soak a green tea bag in hot water.  Take the bag out and let it cool for a minute then place the tea bag on your lip sore.  Green tea has healing anti oxidants and the warm tea bag on your lip sore will alleviate pain.

-Mix some water and alum (can be found in the spice aisle at the grocery store) together to make a paste.  Apply this to your lip sore, it helps to shrink the sore and take away the stinging, itchy sensation.  Wash off after letting it soak into your sore for about 2 minutes.

-Apply tea tree oil to your lip sore with a Q-tip.  Tea tree oil can stay on your cold sore and be left to soak in.  Apply frequently to shrink your lip sore but be careful that you do not over-dry the area and make it more painful.

2 Responses to "3 Ways to Naturally Treat Itchy Lip Sores"

1 | 5 Common Causes of Lip Sores | Mouth Sores Treatment

November 17th, 2008 at 7:06 pm


[…] more information on treatment go to mouth sores […]

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