Mouth Sores Treatment

13 Oct, 2008

Carmex on Canker Sores: Does it Get Rid of Canker Sores?

Posted by: Linda In: Mouth Sores

Carmex is among the most popular lip sore treatments and some people even use them on canker sores.

Canker sores are mouth sores that are inside the mouth. These can be difficult to treat and often people let them run their course.

But what about Carmex? Does it really preform great as a cure for canker sores? Should you consider an all natural canker sore cure?

How Carmex Works on Canker Sores

Carmex contains a antiseptic, analgesic and anti-itch formula not featured in most lip balms.

Here’s a list of Carmex ingredients:
Menthol (anti-itch)
Camphor (pain reliever)
Phenol (anesthetic)
Natural lanolin
Salicylic acid
Cocoa butter
Wax base.

Carmex has been ranked by pharmacists as among the top lip balms.

The Salicylic Acid works to dry up cold sores and get them moving out of your mouth as fast as possible. However, some comsumer reports ( suggest avoiding lip sore balms that contain salicylic acid, claiming that it can actually eat through skin layers.

For those concerned about the Salicylic acid, Carmex suggests:

Some people with highly sensitive lips can experience a reaction to the salicylic acid in Carmex. In these cases we recommend that the person switch to some unmedicated product such as petroleum jelly.

So Does Carmex Work on Cold Sores?

Short answer: Yes

Many people suggest that Carmex works more by helping dry up cold sores and apply a pain reliever than actually providing a cure for cold sores.

If you are concerned about the chemicals contained in Carmex, there are a number of alternatives you can use.

What are Carmex Alternatives

To help get rid of cold sores faster, try rinsing your mouth out several times per day with warm salt water. Applying a natural balm may help as well.

Here’s a link to five natural ways to cure cold sores

If you’re interested in a full action natural home remedy for cold sores, take a look at the popular Cold Sore Freedom program.

2 Responses to "Carmex on Canker Sores: Does it Get Rid of Canker Sores?"

2 | What Causes Canker Sores and What are Mouth Herpes Symptoms | Mouth Sores Treatment

May 3rd, 2009 at 11:00 pm


[…] Carmex on Canker Sores: Does it Get Rid of Canker Sores? […]

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