Mouth Sores Treatment

09 Nov, 2008

Stop Making Your Life Revolve Around Your Next Mouth Sores Breakout

Posted by: Linda In: Mouth Sores

An embarrassing mouth sore breakout can make you want to stay at home and can be a real downer on your social life.  If you have cold sores, you won’t want to be doing much kissing for a little while. And canker sores can be painful (especially if your friends like highly citric drinks). But before deciding to lay low until its over there are a couple things you should keep in mind

Many People Get Mouth Sores and They Are Very Common

The American Social Health Association says that between 50 and 80 percent of the adult population in the US has mouth herpes, with as many as 90% having the virus by age 50.  So it goes from “most people” to “nearly everyone” as we age.  Recurrent canker sores affect 1 in 5 Americans.

Most People Won’t Even Notice a Visible Cold Sore

Think about when you have seen others with what you thought “could” be a mouth sore.  You probably weren’t sure what it was (unless they told you) and you would might have been too embarrassed to ask. If it was a man, maybe it was a cut from shaving. If it was a women, maybe she had a lip waxing accident.

No matter what though, you probably stopped thinking about it pretty quickly. That’s how most people react when they notice a mouth sore. A quick “I wonder what that is” and that’s it. You don’t have to be embarrassed, if you don’t draw attention to your mouth sores then others will likely not notice at all. Even if they do they won’t say anything.

If someone does ask you about the mouth sore, you can make a joke like “I ran into the wall” and if they press you further just give them a dirty look. Its none of their business, and it shouldn’t stop you from having a great time out.

For cutting down on the number of cold sore breakouts, I recommend the Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days guide. It’s a great resource for reducing and shortening breakouts. But however you treat your mouth sores remember that they don’t run your life and they shouldn’t stop you from having fun or make you miss a big day.

1 Response to "Stop Making Your Life Revolve Around Your Next Mouth Sores Breakout"

1 | What Causes Canker Sores and What are Mouth Herpes Symptoms | Mouth Sores Treatment

November 17th, 2008 at 9:16 pm


[…] Stop Making Your Life Revolve Around Your Next Mouth Sores Breakout […]

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