Mouth Sores Treatment

13 Nov, 2008

Best OTC Cold Sore Treatment: Is Abreva #1 for Lip Sores?

Posted by: Linda In: Coldsore

You have cold sores or you feel one coming on. It’s time to start working fast!

Once we feel the tingle of a fever blister coming on, many of us immediately rush to the drug store to find some type of cold sore treatment. One of the top over-the-counter lip sore medicines people buy is Abreva.

Although many people buy Abreva, is it really the solution you should first turn to?


Abreva is the only over-the-counter coldsore medicine that contains 10% Docosonal. What’s interesting that Docosonal is that it works to make cells surrounding your mouth sore impenetrable by the Herpes Simplex 1 virus, otherwise called herpes labialis. This helps prevent spreading of your mouth sores.

Abreva is safe for people 12 years old and older and should be applied 5-10 times per day until your lip sore improves, according to pharmacists. The company that produces Abreva says a common tube should help you battle through 2-3 episodes of coldsores.


You should avoid using Abreva for lip sores inside the mouth and nose because its chemicals can be harmful to your mucous membranes. It’s OK to get a little on your sores inside your mouth, but if you’ve applied a lot, rise your mouth out immediately.

Also, Abreva will produce better results if you apply it in the early stages of a lip sore. If you wait for the mouth sore to form, Abreva will not be as effective in healing any type of fever blister.


While Abreva is not a natural home remedy for cold sores, it can offer some immediate benefits for helping you to heal sores on lips quickly. In fact, Abreva is the only over-the-counter medicine that is FDA-approved for helping shorten the lifespan of a coldsore.

However, as you learned earlier, the average tube of Abreva lasts only as much as 3 fever blister episodes. If you want to heal cold sores, Abreva is something that can help you in the short term, but costs can rack up with each of cold sore treatment you buy.

The best thing you can do is work to prevent cold sores by avoiding fever blister triggers. This will help live more healthier overall and also help skirt the onset of new mouth sores.

2 Responses to "Best OTC Cold Sore Treatment: Is Abreva #1 for Lip Sores?"

1 | Best 9 Ways How To Prevent Cold Sores | Mouth Sores Treatment

November 17th, 2008 at 9:12 pm


[…] Best OTC Cold Sore Treatment: Is Abreva #1 for Lip Sores? […]

2 | Coldsore: Quick Treatment Methods | Mouth Sores Treatment

November 17th, 2008 at 9:19 pm


[…] Best OTC Cold Sore Treatment: Is Abreva #1 for Lip Sores? […]

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