Mouth Sores Treatment

11 Nov, 2008

Cold Sores Home Remedy Mistakes: Are You Making Them?

Posted by: Linda In: Coldsore

Cold sores are a huge pain. And what’s worse, most lip sores won’t go away quickly.

Many people buy over the counter cold sore treatments, only to find they don’t work as great as advertised. Consequently, some home remedies for cold sores don’t work either.

In this article, you will learn about home remedy mistakes some people make when they try to naturally heal cold sores.


You aren’t alone with this problem. Many mouth sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex 1 virus, and it’s one you won’t shake with creams or pills.

Mouth herpes are not the same as genital herpes, but you are stuck with them for life if you contract them. And a lifetime of caring for lip blisters can get expensive.

Climbing costs of skin care treatments make many people start trying natural home remedies for cold sores. The problem with that is, sometimes our own methods don’t produce the results we were hoping.


Here’s a list of mistakes that you should avoid when trying to heal coldsores:

Drying out the sore: Never. And we mean NEVER EVER! try to get rid of a cold sore by speeding up the drying out phase. In fact, you should do the exact opposite. Moisturizing your sores will help protect sores from growing and spreading. You will also reduce the possibility of scarring.

Squeezing your lip sores: Another No No. Bacteria and oils flourish on your fingers. When you squeeze or scratch or irritate your lip blisters, you potentially can cause a break in the skin where your fingers’ bacteria can then infect the open wounds. Touching them in this manner won’t help cure coldsores at all.

Scrubbing or over-washing lip blisters: Cold sores aren’t caused by an excessive amount of dirt on your face. You can’t scrub them away. Doing this can actually irritate the sore more and dry out the skin. This can cause them to spread bigger than they actually started.

Covering mouth sores with makeup: None of us like the way we look when we have sores on lips. We hate it! But one of the last things you should do is try to hide the blemish with makeup. Makeup contains chemicals that can aggravate a cold sore further. One more note: Don’t share your makeup or lipstick with anyone else if you are experiencing a mouth sore outbreak.

2 Responses to "Cold Sores Home Remedy Mistakes: Are You Making Them?"

1 | Best 9 Ways How To Prevent Cold Sores | Mouth Sores Treatment

November 17th, 2008 at 9:12 pm


[…] Cold Sores Home Remedy Mistakes: Are You Making Them? […]

2 | Coldsore: Quick Treatment Methods | Mouth Sores Treatment

November 17th, 2008 at 9:20 pm


[…] Cold Sores Home Remedy Mistakes: Are You Making Them? […]

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