Mouth Sores Treatment

Posts Tagged ‘cold sores

15 Sep, 2011

A Must-Read Guide To Covering Mouth Sores

Posted by: Linda In: Mouth Sores

Makeup works great wonders in covering up unwanted mouth sores! A few dab of your favorite concealer can save your neck from a whole week of embarrassment. Through a reliable makeup technique, you can go on with your life without feeling embarrassed of your sores. Quick Tips to hide Mouth Sores: Carmex is a lip […]

17 Aug, 2011

How Long Do Cold Sores Last?

Posted by: Linda In: Coldsore|Mouth Sores

Once you suffer from cold sores, the first question that will hit you is how long will they last? We all know what cold sores are, and we all know how bothersome they can be. Now in order to understand how long this condition will last, we have to consider two options. First, if you […]

We are often afraid that a simple problem can transpire into something big. This is why we often ask if we will develop genital herpes after we get contacted with cold sores. Before anything else, let us start with the basic. What are cold sores? Well, cold sores are characterized by small red blisters that […]

Mouth ulcer happens to all ages, including children. Now once your child suffers from this condition, he might start to throw tantrums. After all, the pain that the sore brings is beyond bearable. In order to better understand why children suffer from mouth ulcer, we are going to discuss few of the common reasons behind […]

Cold sores know no age. They attack people of all ages, and children are among the most susceptible to contracting these lip sores, also called fever blisters. In fact, some doctors say as many as 1 in 5 children will contract Herpes Simplex 1, HSV-1, the virus that causes cold sores. Luckily, treating cold sores […]

15 Dec, 2008

3 Best Lip Balms to Cure Lip Sores

Posted by: Linda In: Lip Sores

In this post you are going to learn all about three competing lip balms that all claim to cure lip sores.  I’ll list the ingredients in these products and give you all the information I have so you can make an informed purchase of the best lip balm for you to cure lip sores. Herpecin-L […]

08 Dec, 2008

When are Lip Sores Contagious?

Posted by: Linda In: Lip Sores

Put on your Hazmat suit and prepare to be in solitary confinement for 7-10 days.  Okay, maybe that is a little overkill for not catching or infecting anyone with the Herpes Simplex 1 virus. The fact is, lip sores are extremely contagious.  They are most contagious when the blisters are opened and not scabbed yet.  […]

You’ve had cold sores before and the last thing you want is a repeat of that dreadful experience. We all hate them. The sad thing is, you can’t cure cold sores, also known as fever blisters. But you can take steps to prevent cold sores and it’s best to know what triggers a lip sore […]