Mouth Sores Treatment

Archive for the ‘Mouth Sores’ Category

Mouth blisters, also sometimes called canker sores, are a huge pain. What’s worse is they are incurable. Most mouth sores will come and go within about 1-2 weeks. If you have mouth blisters that last longer than that, you should consider consulting a medical professional. You may require a minor surgery to remove damaged cells […]

If you have a cold sore, you’re likely on your way to the drug store right now to get something that can help you ease the pain and shorten the mouth sore’s lifespan. Cold sores, also called fever blisters, can’t be cured, according to doctors. But if you’re set on finding something at the drug […]

An embarrassing mouth sore breakout can make you want to stay at home and can be a real downer on your social life.  If you have cold sores, you won’t want to be doing much kissing for a little while. And canker sores can be painful (especially if your friends like highly citric drinks). But […]

Carmex is among the most popular lip sore treatments and some people even use them on canker sores. Canker sores are mouth sores that are inside the mouth. These can be difficult to treat and often people let them run their course. But what about Carmex? Does it really preform great as a cure for […]

Effective remedies for mouth blisters depend on the type of mouth blisters present. The two types of mouth sores we will discuss in this article are coldsores and canker sores. Both of these types of sores are often referred to as mouth blisters. Coldsores are generally found around the outside of the mouth (though they […]

Mouth herpes is a highly contagious virus brought on by the Herpes Simplex I Virus that causes painful, itching sores on the outside and inside of the mouth. Most Americans will experience a mouth herpes episode before they reach adulthood. After contracting the virus, humans are set with it for life, but it lies dormant […]