Mouth Sores Treatment

Cold sores are a huge pain. And what’s worse, most lip sores won’t go away quickly.

Many people buy over the counter cold sore treatments, only to find they don’t work as great as advertised. Consequently, some home remedies for cold sores don’t work either.

In this article, you will learn about home remedy mistakes some people make when they try to naturally heal cold sores.


You aren’t alone with this problem. Many mouth sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex 1 virus, and it’s one you won’t shake with creams or pills.

Mouth herpes are not the same as genital herpes, but you are stuck with them for life if you contract them. And a lifetime of caring for lip blisters can get expensive.

Climbing costs of skin care treatments make many people start trying natural home remedies for cold sores. The problem with that is, sometimes our own methods don’t produce the results we were hoping.


Here’s a list of mistakes that you should avoid when trying to heal coldsores:

Drying out the sore: Never. And we mean NEVER EVER! try to get rid of a cold sore by speeding up the drying out phase. In fact, you should do the exact opposite. Moisturizing your sores will help protect sores from growing and spreading. You will also reduce the possibility of scarring.

Squeezing your lip sores: Another No No. Bacteria and oils flourish on your fingers. When you squeeze or scratch or irritate your lip blisters, you potentially can cause a break in the skin where your fingers’ bacteria can then infect the open wounds. Touching them in this manner won’t help cure coldsores at all.

Scrubbing or over-washing lip blisters: Cold sores aren’t caused by an excessive amount of dirt on your face. You can’t scrub them away. Doing this can actually irritate the sore more and dry out the skin. This can cause them to spread bigger than they actually started.

Covering mouth sores with makeup: None of us like the way we look when we have sores on lips. We hate it! But one of the last things you should do is try to hide the blemish with makeup. Makeup contains chemicals that can aggravate a cold sore further. One more note: Don’t share your makeup or lipstick with anyone else if you are experiencing a mouth sore outbreak.

An embarrassing mouth sore breakout can make you want to stay at home and can be a real downer on your social life.  If you have cold sores, you won’t want to be doing much kissing for a little while. And canker sores can be painful (especially if your friends like highly citric drinks). But before deciding to lay low until its over there are a couple things you should keep in mind

Many People Get Mouth Sores and They Are Very Common

The American Social Health Association says that between 50 and 80 percent of the adult population in the US has mouth herpes, with as many as 90% having the virus by age 50.  So it goes from “most people” to “nearly everyone” as we age.  Recurrent canker sores affect 1 in 5 Americans.

Most People Won’t Even Notice a Visible Cold Sore

Think about when you have seen others with what you thought “could” be a mouth sore.  You probably weren’t sure what it was (unless they told you) and you would might have been too embarrassed to ask. If it was a man, maybe it was a cut from shaving. If it was a women, maybe she had a lip waxing accident.

No matter what though, you probably stopped thinking about it pretty quickly. That’s how most people react when they notice a mouth sore. A quick “I wonder what that is” and that’s it. You don’t have to be embarrassed, if you don’t draw attention to your mouth sores then others will likely not notice at all. Even if they do they won’t say anything.

If someone does ask you about the mouth sore, you can make a joke like “I ran into the wall” and if they press you further just give them a dirty look. Its none of their business, and it shouldn’t stop you from having a great time out.

For cutting down on the number of cold sore breakouts, I recommend the Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days guide. It’s a great resource for reducing and shortening breakouts. But however you treat your mouth sores remember that they don’t run your life and they shouldn’t stop you from having fun or make you miss a big day.

Herpes Simplex Virus 1

There are some foods you can eat to help yourself and get rid of herpes sores so you can quit obsessing about it!

Diet is really important when it comes to herpes sores care.  What you eat has a major effect on the healing of your herpes sores.  You want to eat foods rich in Lysine.   Eat food with a lot of protein, like: Chicken, fish, red meat, cheese, yogurt, lentils

There are also foods that you should refrain from eating if you are cold sore prone. If you have a diet that contains a lot of arginine (this protein takes up the space Lysine needs) then that means you don’t have enough lysine to fight the virus.   Stay away from foods, like: grains (wheats, oats, etc), nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts), chocolate, shellfish

Watching your diet and food intake is a natural way to approach the prevention of herpes and as well as a natural way to deal with herpes sores when you get them.

I know herpes sores can be embarrassing and painful but you want to try to think as positively as you can to avoid getting down on yourself.  It is important to remain optimistic because this will keep you feeling healthier and the more positive thinking you do the better you will feel.

It is known that herpes sores can come on when your body becomes tired and weak.  Remaining optimistic will help you to stay confident so you can take proper care of yourself.

Carmex is among the most popular lip sore treatments and some people even use them on canker sores.

Canker sores are mouth sores that are inside the mouth. These can be difficult to treat and often people let them run their course.

But what about Carmex? Does it really preform great as a cure for canker sores? Should you consider an all natural canker sore cure?

How Carmex Works on Canker Sores

Carmex contains a antiseptic, analgesic and anti-itch formula not featured in most lip balms.

Here’s a list of Carmex ingredients:
Menthol (anti-itch)
Camphor (pain reliever)
Phenol (anesthetic)
Natural lanolin
Salicylic acid
Cocoa butter
Wax base.

Carmex has been ranked by pharmacists as among the top lip balms.

The Salicylic Acid works to dry up cold sores and get them moving out of your mouth as fast as possible. However, some comsumer reports ( suggest avoiding lip sore balms that contain salicylic acid, claiming that it can actually eat through skin layers.

For those concerned about the Salicylic acid, Carmex suggests:

Some people with highly sensitive lips can experience a reaction to the salicylic acid in Carmex. In these cases we recommend that the person switch to some unmedicated product such as petroleum jelly.

So Does Carmex Work on Cold Sores?

Short answer: Yes

Many people suggest that Carmex works more by helping dry up cold sores and apply a pain reliever than actually providing a cure for cold sores.

If you are concerned about the chemicals contained in Carmex, there are a number of alternatives you can use.

What are Carmex Alternatives

To help get rid of cold sores faster, try rinsing your mouth out several times per day with warm salt water. Applying a natural balm may help as well.

Here’s a link to five natural ways to cure cold sores

If you’re interested in a full action natural home remedy for cold sores, take a look at the popular Cold Sore Freedom program.

Effective remedies for mouth blisters depend on the type of mouth blisters present. The two types of mouth sores we will discuss in this article are coldsores and canker sores. Both of these types of sores are often referred to as mouth blisters.

Coldsores are generally found around the outside of the mouth (though they can occur on the roof of the mouth or along the gums) and are caused by the herpes simplex virus I and breakout occurrences can be increased by the presence of a weakened immune system (resulting from a variety of factors including stress).  Coldsores are extremely contagious. Treatments include over-the-counter and prescription creams as well as oral medications such as Valtrex.  Using a lip covering gel such as Carmex can provide some relief from commonly associated itching and burning.

Canker sores are generally found inside the mouth. They are caused by a variety of factors including bacterial infections, food allergies, stress, nutrition deficiencies, and ultraviolet light. Unlike coldsores, they aren’t contagious.  Treatment can include using a liquid ointment to numb the mouth in order to relieve pain. With moderate to severe canker sores, steroids can be prescribed as a treatment.

For both coldsores and canker sores, sometimes the best remedies for mouth blisters is to prevent their occurrences all together. Both types of mouth blisters can be caused by stress, trauma, and / or ultraviolet light, so seeking to minimize these as much as possible can go a long way towards prevention.

Mouth herpes is a highly contagious virus brought on by the Herpes Simplex I Virus that causes painful, itching sores on the outside and inside of the mouth.

Most Americans will experience a mouth herpes episode before they reach adulthood. After contracting the virus, humans are set with it for life, but it lies dormant for the most part until it is triggered out of remission.

Mouth Herpes (cold sores) are different then canker sores, which are sores that form on your tongue, roof of your mouth, inside of your cheek and inside of your lips, and fever blisters, which are lip sores on the outside of your mouth. Neither canker sores nor fever blisters are caused by the Herpes Simplex I Virus.

Mouth sores tend to last 3-14 days, often bursting with a white liquid after a few days and then forming an itchy crust. Those with mouth sores should avoid touching open sores.

Sounds nasty, doesn’t it?

What Causes Canker Sores

Canker sores and fever blisters are sparked by a number of factors. Here are some possible triggers:

  • Weakened Immune System: Mouth sores tend to erupt in batches at times when our immune systems are at their weakest points.
  • Irritation: Repeated rubbing of the gums, tongue, cheek or lips against a sharp object, such as a tooth or dental device can cause an outbreak of mouth sores.
  • Deficient Nutrition: If you repeatedly suffer from mouth sores, you should consult your doctor. You doctor may recommend blood tests to scan you for nutritional deficiencies, such a lack of B Vitamins and Iron in your diet.
  • Tiredness: Fatigue contributes to weakening your immune system.
  • Stress: Emotional turmoil and stress can spark mouth sores.
  • Exposure to Sunlight: Avoid extended exposure to direct sunlight.

Symptoms of Mouth Herpes
The Herpes Simplex 1 Virus affects not only affect the mouth, but can bey felt far throughout the body. Here are a few of the mouth herpes symptoms you should be aware of:

  • Body Symptoms: Fever, tiredness, muscle aches, irritability
  • Face Symptoms: Pain, burning and tingling in mouth area
  • Mouth Symptoms: Appearance of oral sores
  • Upper Body: Neck lymph node swelling and pain, swollen gums

Mouth Sores Treatment
Drug stores offer a number of creams and over-the-counter medicines that can help you combat the onset of mouth sores. If you are concerned, you should consider visiting a doctor who can give you a diagnosis of your sores. Your doctor may recommend blood tests to gauge how healthy of a diet you keep.

If you are considering treatment for you cold sores, give some thought to natural home remedy methods of cold sore treatment.

lip sore | government image

Feel a lip sore coming on? Are your lips tingling?

Let me guess, you have a job interview, wedding or birthday party to attend and you have the inkling that a lip cold sore could sprout up at any minute.

You’re not alone. Up to about 85 percent of Americans will face sores on lips at least once in their lifetime. But that doesn’t make lip sores, otherwise known as cold sores and fever blisters, any less distressing and embarrassing.

Lip sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. Before you start hyperventilating, don’t worry. Mouth sores are common affliction.

And you can take steps to help get rid of lip sores without going to the drug store.

5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Lip Sores

  1. Use ice to reduce swelling and prevent sores on lips from getting too painful. Ice also can help stunt the spreading of sores on the mouth.
  2. Apply aloe vera to cold sores from their onset, even before they start to fill with liquid. Aloe vera will help the lip sores from cracking.
  3. Cover sores on lips with lip balm. Using a lip balm is a good alternative to aloe vera and some even contain active ingredients that will attack lip cold sores.
  4. Place a warm, moist tea bag on your mouth sores. Green tea’s antioxidents will work on the cold sore and help draw out impurities.
  5. Leave the sores alone!!! That doesn’t mean ignore the previous cold sore home remedy. But don’t pick at your lip sores or scabs that may form. The best thing to do is follow the previous steps and let them heal in time.

04 Oct, 2008

Coldsore: Quick Treatment Methods

Posted by: Linda In: Coldsore

AAAAH, A Coldsore!

If something meaningful is about to happen in your life like a wedding, senior portraits, a big date, that job interview you just got – it is probably about time for a big coldsore to appear.

Something important is going on and suddenly coldsores come out of hiding. You ask yourself, “WHY ME?”

cold sore

About 40 million people are affected by coldsores each year, so you are not alone.

You have a coldsore, now what?

In this article we are going to talk about coldsore treatment.  You will become educated with exactly what to do from start to finish.

What You Should Do Right Away

Most people experience a tingling sensation on their lip right before coldsore blisters emerge. It’s also been described as numbness or hardness around the mouth. Right away, when you feel the onslaught, whether your lip tingles or you begin to feel slightly run down with a fever, you should begin coldsore treatment.

Natural Coldsore Treatments: 9 Ways to Make It Pay

1. Take some Echinacea. This herbal remedy comes in capsules and a topical formula. Echinacea boosts the immune system. A weak immune system cannot fight coldsores.

2. Take Lysine supplements and try Lysine ointment. Lysine is an amino acid used to make proteins; your body gets Lysine through food you eat. If you don’t eat enough red meat, fish and beans then try taking a supplement so your body has a full supply of this anti-coldsore agent.

3. Get a lot of rest and eat a well balanced diet. Make sure you avoid salty, spicy and acidic foods because they will aggravate the sore. Make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

4. Don’t pick or pop the coldsore blisters. It is best to let it heal naturally, without touching it.

5. Wash your hands constantly and try not to touch other parts of your body since this virus is seriously contagious. This also means that you need to stay away from anyone with a low immune system like older people, babies or anyone who is ill.

6. Wash around your cold sore a couple times a day. This will keep dirt and oil out of the sore and help it to remain clean and dry. You want your coldsore to be dry as this will help it shrink faster.

7. You can put some petroleum jelly on a Q-tip swab and dab onto the cold sore to shield it from dirt.

8. Ice it or put heat on it. Do whichever one feels better. Green tea bags sometimes work very well. Put the bag in boiling water and then let it cool slightly and apply to your coldsore. Don’t burn yourself! The green tea smells good and antioxidants are known healing agents. Ice can feel really good too because it is numbing and eases that throbbing pain.

9. Try new products and remedies. Since there isn’t a “cure” for coldsores every person finds what coldsore treatment works best for them. Some people can find the right combination for treating their blisters to prevent reoccurrence. For example, read my review of Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days.